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Saturday, December 21, 2013

2014 New Year's Resolution

2014: 20 is my age, 14 is my favorite number! Perfecto!

Semoga tahun 2014 ini lebih baik daripada tahun 2013
No more misery, no more! Only happy and good story :)
Semoga gak ada kejadian yg membuatku depresi lagi ya ​​Allah... No more 'E' thing. I can't handle it.
Kuliah belajar tambah rajin, gak procrastinate, no way!
Dengan rajin belajar, IP makin besar! Amiin
Semester tuaaa udah mulai mikir skripsi etc, lebih semangat lagi yaw

 Jadi tambah rajin solat, rajin beramal sedekah, lebih mendekatkan diri pada Allah swt biar makin disayang dan makin ditambah nikmat rezekinya Amiiinَ...

Buat keluarga
Jadi lebih cinta keluarga, bisa bikin mereka bangga terutama bikin mami bangga. Trus abang-abang juga yg belum nikah ndang cepet nikah, trus yg udah nikah ndang cepet dikasih dedek bayi, kan eike udah gak sabar jadi tante-tante keceh :p

Amin ya Allah...

Di tahun ini juga, semoga aku gak ngerepotin orang-orang sekitarku. Makin sayang sm mreka dan pastinya makin disayang juga.
By the way, semoga aku cepet bs naik motor, :D:Dнє..нє:Dнєнє:Dнє..нє:D:D:D one more thing, semoga bs keluar dr JSB!  ㅋㅋㅋ
Dapet cowok yg kece, cool, alim, sayang keluarga Amiin

Dan yang ini harus kesampaian: semoga bisa terbang ke luar negri! Minimal Korea lah~
Tahun 2013 gagal ke Thailand, jangan menyerah! Kegagalan itu gara2 kesalahanmu sendiri, gimana mau maju kalo tiap ada kesempatan selalu kamu buang?! Makanya tahun ini let's go internasional...! Aku yakin bisa membawa diriku sendiri kesana! Cihuyy...

I'm ready for 2014!!! *spray confetti*

Monday, August 26, 2013

A Story No Other Than Mine

part 1

Before I forget my own history, i’ve decided to put it on this long note. I cannot start from the day I was born, so I’m gonna take it from the time I hit puberty, huehehehehehehe
I entered middle school, with the help from my aunt in-law because she is one of the staffs there. I met many friends and made a lot of memories, either they are happy or sad memories. It was in 2005, July, and I was not even 12. It went smoothly, everything- until my last year.

On Valentine’s day, exactly on 14th of Feb 2008, my beloved father passed away. this-needs-further-explanation.

 He was old, my father was very old. He was as old as my country. He was old ever since I started to recognize my family member. And he was in pain. So much pain that people around him could feel it too. He got stroke. He was partly paralyzed. He could hardly walk and talk. My mom always had a hard time to take care of him. To tell you the truth she is 12 years younger than him so you can imagine how hard that was. But she always cared no matter what. Typical of loyal wife. And I as the youngest kid, could do nothing but hated that situation. I could do nothing about him, about him being sick and everything, I was just a child who wished a normal life. how wonderful life could be with a healthy father who took you outside, and you could brag about him to your friends. Honestly that is what I wanted. But I could do nothing. All people I knew gave me explanations why my father was like that and I should accept it. I did accept it. But sometimes I exploded. Saying I hated it, didnot help him if he wanted to get up and held his hand when we walked. I barely did that. And I regret it so much right now.

The last days of his life, he could not even get up from his bed. That morning of valentine’s day, my mom looked worry, No one was home beside the three of us. I went to school like always, had my extra class for the upcoming national exam, finished at afternoon, went back home and there- he was still lying on his bed with hard breathing. My mom told me to call my brothers and relatives. Suddenly everyone was around him. No one even bother to call the doctor or bring him to the hospital, like they knew it was his time. We prayed together, and exactly at ten to five o’clock that afternoon, he left us forever, on his way to meet The One. Even my oldest brother didn’t get home yet because he was still in Tegal at that time. My mom said he left in a good day, it was Thursday night, I thought the same.

A few days passed and my mom underwent her iddah time. Right after it ended, my mom went to my father’s grave. Something unexpected happened. My mom’s diabetes relapsed, her scar on her sole worsened and it had to be healed soon. So, apparently not long after her freedom from sorrow of being a widow, she was brought to the hospital. Her scar couldn’t be healed anymore, the only option was to amputate a few of her sole fingers. [put picture HERE] What a fate, I thought. After my father,now this. But I could do nothing. Back then I didn’t even realize that I could do something about it. All I did was just studying hard. And as if it is still fresh in my memory, on the last trial, my test scores were decreasing, so a lot of my friends and teachers worried about me. That was because the first morning of the trial, my youngest big brother got an accident. I couldn’t concentrate well. Plus, I took turn with my aunt and family to accompany my mom in the hospital. That way, I attended the national exam for middle school student.

Unexpectedly, the result of the exam came out well, even the best out of all students in my school. I got first place, everyone...believe it or not.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

20 April 2013

The  wedding Abang #2

Jadi gini ceritanya, tanggal 20 April kemaren abang gue yang nomer dua menikah. Emang sih, ngelangkahin abang pertama gue, tapi it’s okay! Btw, hari itu tuh juga merupakan hairi ultahnya abangku yg nomer 3, lengkap deh kebahagiaan keluarga kami!
Ini foto weddingnyah! Di aula masjid Ungaran dekat SMP 1 nyah...kkk~

Cakep dan cantik kan pengantinnya? Huehehehehe
FYI, pagi-pagi waktu wedding day nya tuh gue kena diare gara2 hari sebelumnya makan sate ayam sambal kacang abal-abal. Alhasil, ke kamar mandi sampe 4 kali plus lemesnya minta ampyuun...hahahahahhahaha
Sampai rumah tempat akad nikahnya (jadi, akad gak di masjid yaa) masih lemes, dan harus nunggu emak dandan dulu rempong beut...aku juga dandan loh! Mo liat? Mau banget?? Nih...

Sama abang almost tersayang, huahahahaha
Agak montok dan kayak mak-mak with one son who’s getting married yah! O_o
Sepanjang acara akad, mata gue riyep2 lengket gak jelas gegara tidur 2 jam doank!  Tapi untung acara lancar pemirsaaa...! akhirnya abangku gue ada yang udah melepas status lajang!
Ni waktu akad...

Langsung ke tempat resepsinya yah...
Gue yg masih lemes, duduk aja sendirian gitu sampe ada sodara gue yg nyamperin. Makan secukupnya, sampe kenyang maksudnya! Kkk~
Satu pelajaran yg gue dapet disitu: ternyata...gue lemes karena belum denger musik sodara2....begitu denger band nya nyanyi, gue langsung semangat dan jingkrak-jingkrak, huakakakakakaka.
OMG, have you seen my mom in kebaya up close? She’s so gorgeous! Here the picture...
Tadinya mo kembaran kebaya, cuman aku gak dikasih bahan nya plus aku udah ngejahitin di orang, but but but pas deket hari H nya itu jahitan belum jadi dan gue terlanjur gak disewain kebaya buat kembaran sama mbak2nya dr pihak pengantin wanita! Akhirnya gue nyiapin baju yg warna nya sama kayak kebayanya!
Curious about my first bro? Here’s the pic! He’s a stunner!
Ini souvenirnya,
Tadinya gue mo minta 10 biji buat temen2 sixovoice, cuman kok ada foto abang gue mejeng disitu kan jadi gak enak...akhirnya gak jadi aja :p sorry ya pals, maybe next time
Dan disitu ada salah penulisan tuh, masa “propose” jd ‘purpose’?? sebagai seorang adik yang kuliah di jurusan bahasa Inggris, I slightly feel guilty and embarrass...huh>,<

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

hey I feel like flying!!

second day at campus............

pengen boker, keringet dingin, nunggu kuliah lama......

tapi harus tetep semangat,

inget pesen ibu sebelum berangkat...

semoga semester ini lebih baik lagi, mengingat makul nya tambah susah susah -__-


ngaji tiap malem harus, pokoknya tahun ini sebelum puasa kudu khatam!! amiiin...  
dan semoga resolusi semester 4 teracapai semuanya ya Allah...


why would i feel like flying now?! ang, just feeling it! 

Ssasa's diary

5 Maret 2013