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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Justin Bieber likes older woman

not intend to judge but it is true that justin bieber loves older woman [can't blame him anyway].That makes me and my friend very dissappointed. thought that we had a chance. yeah... keep dreaming! justin bieber will never even glanced at us. crycrycrycrycry
but one day i saw in a web that justin bieber, 16, is on the beach in Bahama with Kim kardashian, 29. little surprising but still, could only laugh. and i post this too... sorry for copy-paste this.

And what makes us so roar LOL is one of the comments said this " Nice to see Justin takes his mom to the beach" HAHAHAHAHAHA
What a laugh. what a couple. happy for them. [gajegajegajegaje]

(A/N) Maaf atas nama saya sendiri, saya lancang bikin entry tentang justin bieber ini. FYI, waktu saya ngetik nih entry saya ngantuk banget so maaf kalo ada salah ketik. maybe you guys think that, apaan sih? ga penting banget nulis kayak beginian? sok apa lah,
tapi demi apa juga saya bikin entry ini karena saya lagi bosen ga da kerjaan dirumah. mungkin kalian mau ngasih saya kerjaan gitu? nyuci piring, nyuci baju, etc? nyuci tembok saya juga bisa.
sebenernya mau curhat tentang nilai rapot kemaren dan sedikit tentang persiapan ke bali. panas-dingin badan saya waktu mikirin ini. 'Ehem, mau apa saya ke Bali?'
Mungkin butuh waktu... merangkai kata [haiiayah malah nyanyi] mungkin butuh waktu buat jawab: 'Mau ketemu dede' pujaan hati saya'


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